One Thing per Time
In June 2022 I finished the relocation and I’ve finally built my home gym. It’s just 13mq but it’s still better than not having one.
Due to a temporary house, COVID restrictions and of course negligence/procratination on my side, I didn’t train as expected on my 2021/2022 season. I gave up on my strength goals and my endurance goals as well.
So I decided to take some steps back and do it in the easiest and perhaps right way.
The original plan was to be able to do more than a workout per day and to achieve some goals on my strength, run and bycicle. So, I sit down and asked to myself: “What’s really matter to you?”
Obviously: STRENGTH
I restarted to train only on the main 3 lifts again and I enjoy to do powerlifting. I keep riding, rowing or running some times but with no effort and just to enjoy the moment. I use those sessions more as a recovery method.
In few weeks I’ll finally start my first swim course, because.. ehm.. you know.. sure. I don’t know how to swim. I’ll have 40 minutes on the swimpool on Tuesday and Friday. So I can have my powerlifting sessions on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.
I’ll keep this schedule until, at least, the end of the year. But I’d probably aim to keep it until June 2023.
So, as a recap, next goals should be:
- learn how to swim
- 500kg of powerlifting total
I’m calculating my session with a current total of 355kg. In details:
- 125kg squat
- 140kg deadlift
- 90kg bench